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The Motorcyclist's Winter The Motorcyclist's Winter by MikeInFrance

It’s always been a long winter for the motorcyclist. Cold, wet days, slippery roads and some motorists treating you as if you were the Invisible Man. Only the bravest of the brave amongst us will venture out on such days. Many a motorcyclist needs his beloved machine as transport for work and is normally well prepared for the adverse conditions.

What Can The Remaining Bikers Do During This Period?
Do not despair…….What a great time to strip down the motorcycle. Ninety nine percent of motorcyclists, even if not mechanically minded can remove the main peripherals from a motorbike, (seat, lights, petrol tank etc). Perhaps you could take some digital photographs of the tricky bits to help you when it comes to re-assembly.

Don’t Rush The Job
Clean the removed parts thoroughly as you go, all the while checking for any damage, mechanical or superficial.
(Tip: Obtain some ice-cream containers or Tupperware pots with lids). Put the nuts, bolts and screws from each dismantling process in a separate container, not forgetting to add a label. Make sure to fasten the lid securely. It is surprising how the containers can end up being moved about, sometimes in rage I hasten to add. Often ones partner does not take too kindly to the storage of motorcycle parts on the sideboard or under the bed for some reason!

Back Together
Change your fluids where applicable, replacing with best grades you can afford. Top grade oils, brake fluids etc pay off in the long run. The time has come to carefully put your pride and joy back together. Enjoy your task and cherish the thought that you are one step closer to putting the roads to good use once more. Use your photographs or drawings to make life easier…..You did take photographs didn’t you?
With any luck you should not have any parts left over. If you do, keep them safe, you are sure to find out where they belong one day!
Take a well earned rest and spend a few evenings around the fire, planning some great days out in the coming warmer weather. Check your calendars for race meetings and other important dates. Perhaps you and a friend or two would like to book a holiday together. Why not experience the French Roads……plenty of twists and turns, sparsely populated, hardly a pothole in sight and as smooth as a snooker table.

You are ready to get going again on the open road…..Have fun, be ready for the unexpected and above all Keep Safe.

Author : Mike Elliot French Holidays Phototours In France

Article Source: Free High-Quality Article Directory at Article Crux

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